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The Council meets in January, March, May, July, September and November. Occasionally additional meetings are held and these are publicised here and on the village noticeboards.

Meetings are held in the Village Hall at 7:30pm. The Schedule of Meetings for the current administrative year can be found in the Meetings Schedule box on this page - Please note that any changes from the published list of meeting dates will be announced here and on the Village Noticeboard. 
The Council does not have any committees, and so all business is dealt with by the entire Council.

Members of the public are welcome to attend meetings and there is a time set aside at each meeting for residents and other village stakeholders to ask questions, make comments or to request that a specific item is discussed by the Parish Council at a future meeting.

Agendas, which set out the business to be conducted at the meeting, are published at least three clear days ahead of each meeting. You will be able to see the agenda for the next meeting by clicking on the box on the right of this page. The agenda will also be found on the notice board in the village.

The Minutes of Parish Council meetings can be found by clicking on the relevant box - below for past years and to the right for the current year. Please note that recent minutes are in draft form and need to be approved by the Council before they can be relied upon. Once approve, Minutes are the only authoritative record of Council business. The Council particularly wishes to draw attention to the fact that the Hessett NextDoor site should not be relied upon for accurate or truthful information about Parish business.

The conduct of meetings is governed by the Council's Standing Orders, which are based on a nationally sponsored template and updated as appropriate by the Council each year. Our current standing orders can be found in the Polices section.

 A letter from Hessett Parish Council to all residents can be read by:- CLICK HERE

Meetings Schedule 2024-2025

Latest Meeting Agenda

The most recently published agenda will appear here