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Notice Board

Below are both Public Announcements and useful contact links. Click on the appropriate link in the side box. 

Public Notices




To view other Suffolk Bus services, CLICK HERE

Published November 2023

Wednesday Bus Service from/to Hessett
Hessett Wednesday Bus Service 388

 Published April 2023

Mobile Library


The Mobile Library is now only used by a handful of residents.
It used to visit Hessett every two weeks and stop at two locations (Village Green & Lime Tree Close).

It now visits every four weeks and stops once (Lime Tree Close) between 2.10 - 2.30 pm on a Friday afternoon.

IF more users don't use it, we may lose this facility for good.

If you already have a Library Card, you can use it. If you do not, you can join on the vehicle (you may have to show proof of address).

Advantages are that you have longer to read books.
It does not require you to travel a long distance (especially as
 fuel cost rise).
You can still use other Libraries in Suffolk.

The upcoming dates for the current year  (updated January) are:
17th May, 14th June, 12th July, 9th August, 6th September. 4th October
1st and 29th November, 27th December.



Useful Information and contact details.


If you have problems with potholes, please click on this link to go to the online reporting form on the County Council's website.


Footpaths or Verge Maintenance

For matters concerning grass cutting on verges and Footpaths, contact the county Council using this link 


Refuse Collection, Planning and other local services contact, Mid-Suffolk District Council using this link


Other Useful Numbers

The non-emergency number for the police is 101
For more information when to use this number, click here.
For emergencies, only dial 999.

NHS Non-emergency number is 111.
For use when the 999 Emergency number is not appropriate.
For more information when to use this number, click here

If you smell gas, the emergency 24-hour hotline is 0800 111 999 - 

Electrical Emergency or power cut, call 0800 783 8838. For more information on power cuts etc, click here: UK POWER NETWORK

Water Supply or sewage contact Anglian Water on their 24-hour hotline: 03457 145 145

  Highway Code



Welcome to Gov.UK  Central Government Website to find Government Services & Information

HM Revenue & Customs  Questions about Income Tax & Tax Bands.

Parliament - How does Parliament work? Want information about Parliament or know about its history?

  For details on how to contact the Citizens Advice, CLICK HERE



Checked December 2023